Wednesday, June 13, 2012

7 Things You Did not Know about your skin

Skin is the largest organ of our body. It can tell us about health problems or is an expression of our general health. Read seven interesting facts about it
1. The appearance and texture of the skin suggest for your overall health

Sometimes the changes on the skin can signal changes in your health in general. Hormones that the thyroid gland produces are directly responsible for the natural fats that protect the skin and hair cell growth and pigmentation of hair.

In one of the diseases in which the thyroid hormone your svrahprodutsira, the epidermis may be thickened and softened. In the opposite case (when the hormone is produced in small quantities) the top layer of skin can be very dry and feet to become thick.

Another symptom of irregularities, if the skin around the neck become darker and her alter tissue. This condition is called akantoza nigricans and is often associated with diabetes.

2. All people have the same pigment responsible for skin color

Melanin is the coloring pigment present in the skin of all people regardless of race. The difference in color between people of different races and between those of the same race lies in how much of this pygmy is contained and is distributed in the skin.

All races have the same number of melanocytes which are cells that produce and store melanin. But in people with darker skin produce more pigment.

3. Our skin regenerates more slowly with age

Have you ever wondered why infants are so soft and rosy cheeks? As skin ages, in all other cells produce new and old are removed from the surface, in children this process occurs much more frequently. In children, it happens every second or third week, which makes their skin vibrant and glowing. As we age this process slows down. For more dead cells remain on the surface, giving the person dehydrated form.

Sunlight further delay the process, because ultraviolet light reduces the exchange of cells. Your dermatologist may recommend daily eksfoalirashti procedures or serum antioxidant action that contain retinoids, vitamins and peptides that help cell renewal.

4. You can reduce stretch marks

Stretch marks can be obtained by variation in weight during pregnancy, weight loss and nadebelyavyane and even growth in the teenage years. They can occur anywhere, but most often occur on the thighs and abdomen. They can also occur when the effect of collagen and elastin pass. In this case they are red and purple (for lighter skin) due to inflammation. When stretch marks are in this phase can treat them with a cream containing retinoids.It will significantly reduce their overall appearance. This is due to the drug in the cream, which helps the regeneration of cells. Older stretch marks can be treated with laser, which will smooth the skin. It is exactly where the stretch marks.

5. Oily skin dictate what type of hair grows over it

The relationship between hair and skin is very similar. Sebaceous glands go into the hair follicle, which helps its moisturizing.Individual differences in individual glands is responsible for different hair types. In people with larger sebaceous glands is excreted more fat and their hair is often thin. For those with small sebaceous glands are paid less fat and hair is thicker.

Facial skin is oily in the middle, because people have larger sebaceous glands there. And vice versa - it is dry at the edges of the face, because that fat cells are smaller. That is why even men with very thick beard to have okosmenie the middle of the face.

6. Age spots actually should be called "sunspots"

These brown spots that occur in older people have little to do with age. Rather, they result from repeated exposure to sunlight, which is detrimental to skin. They appear because of the accumulated pigment cells in the upper layer of skin. To prevent stains, apply sunscreen every morning and a few hours if you are exposed to direct sunlight. Minimum SPF, you should use is 30. Always apply more cream to the face.

7. Melanomas do not always have color

Sometimes cancers can be found as a spot or mole on the skin.They can be any color except green. Will distinguish them from other moles in that they look strange, grow, itch or you just capture your attention. In these cases, should visit a dermatologist. Always tell your doctor about new spots and skin irregularities are noticed.
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